Sunday, February 10, 2008

Ronald Reagan Must Come Back!

Ronald Reagan was our best President. Period. He wasn't perfect. Just the best.

And today's times call for nothing less than the best. The Regan Revolution was more than a political scheme to bankroll power. It was a movment based on the solid principles of capitalism, moral discipline, economic leadership and international security. Reagan's presidency set-down the foundation on which America became the premier power in the world. Without his strategic vision, we would be far more entrenched in a world scheme dominated by Stalinist terrorism.

Is there anybody in today's political system able to take his mantle? Does such a person exist? Or should the question really be: is there a community of people who could make a New Regan Revolution possible?

Ronnie's gone, but his legacy and ideas are not. The limbs of the American body move through a dangerous time, which is to say opportunity abounds. At one end it is being eaten alive by mindless consumerism; on another, it is being stalked by predatory fanaticism; and from within it is being infected by socialist greed.

As I see it, the only solution is a leadership of principled vision. That vision never loses sight of three key principles: freedom, long-term capitalism, and moral courage.

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